Message from the Chief Pastor to all clergy and congregations
Glory to you Lord Christ, King and savior of the world.
The catholic Christian world is once again united in kneeling down in deepest respect before the great King in celebration of Christ the King Sunday. Denominational and cultural gaps are put aside, and as people of faith sing and say praises to the living God and King.
In the Iglesia Filipina Independiente, our observance of this uplifting Sunday should mean much more than exercise of the annual event that signals the closure of one liturgical season for the new season to begin. This day should come to each of us as important opportunity for personal reflection and for educating our congregations who witness in our time the rising dominance of world leaders who claim and cling to power in disregard of peoples’ longing for justice and peace communities.
Bowing and kneeling to the greatest King today should remind us that Christ as King made Himself known not by means of power domination and violence. That He made us understand Him by His unconditional love, by willful sharing of Himself as a servant-leader who leads by being the last, who teach us both by His words and loving deeds, and who treats us not as subjects but friends. Let us also caution ourselves from temptation to bow before world’s rulers in contempt of the one true Ruler who has given us life and keeps us blessed throughout the days of our lives.
As we praise and worship Him today, let our spirits and minds be brought to His divine presence and very nature, as the King who came to save, to serve, to listen, and to offer Himself for the benefit of His people and all of creation. Our prayers today should be raised along with our vow to follow Him by emulating His examples so our presence and collective energy as His Church be truly of service to His flocks. May the shepherd’s rod He entrusted to His Church be our common instrument in defending the weak and in helping the captives and suffering free themselves from chains and entanglements.
In this Sunday of praise, let us also pray for our bond strengthened by compassion and commitment to serve people in His name be like flowers and burnt incense offered before His presence, making us worthy of His love and protection. May God bless us all forevermore, Amen.
In service for God and Country,
The Most Reverend Joel O. Porlares