
May 2, 2021


Reflection for the 5th Sunday of Easter,
May 2, 2021 | John 15:1-8

By: The Rev. Fr. Dionito M. Cabillas
Parish of the Good Shepherd, Lubiran St., Bacood, Santa Mesa, Manila

John 15: 1-11 is always designated to be read as the Gospel reading whenever the Iglesia Filipina Independiente (IFI) celebrates the anniversary of its founding proclamation. Today, the Fifth Sunday of Easter, we read only verses 1 to 8,  yet, it tells about the strong unity between Jesus and His disciples. This unity will be strengthened through the care of God the Father. It started with the declaration of Jesus as the grapevine and the Father as the gardener. But Jesus reminded His disciples (the branches of the grapevine) to remain steadfast in His side. Likewise, Jesus teaches us a strong connection, closer relationship, and harmony with each other in this Gospel reading.

IFI Unity -- is the big challenge to the members (clergy and laity) of the IFI. Many members of the IFI are praying that everybody be united especially today that our country is beset with so many problems wrought about by the pandemic, economic crisis, and prevailing threat of tyranny.  In exercising the mission and ministry of the IFI, we are expected that everyone shall carry these tasks without hesitation and reservation, full of enthusiasm and perseverance, and full of love and compassion. The whole IFI shall live-out a life of harmony amidst adversity.

Unity Between the Grapevine and Branches: It is interesting to note that Jesus taught His disciples of the strong connection and bond when He was about to be arrested and would leave them on earth. He wanted His disciples to be strong and fruitful, which He compared the unity to the grapevine (Lord Jesus) and branches (His disciples), and the care-taker was God the Father.

To use the grapevine was a good example in describing unity because the vineyard was familiar to them. While Jesus was teaching about the grapevine, He and His disciples were in the Upper Room, and they were looking at the vineyard on their way to the Garden of Gethsemane. Perhaps they also saw the golden grapevine which decorated the front of the Temple, as a reminder that the Israelites were the vineyard of God.

Jesus taught about the grapevine, not the Israelites as grapevine, but He Himself as the grapevine.  He said, “I am the true grapevine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn’t produce fruit, and He prunes the branches that do not bear fruits so they will produce even more. You have already been pruned and purified by the message I have given you.  Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me.” (15:1-4, NLT).

In the many pictures of the relationship between God and His people, the grapevine and the branches needed constant reaffirmation of their connection. The branches rested on the vine. But the branches should be under the care of the gardener, the Father, as Jesus pointed out.

Father as the Gardener (Caretaker): When Jesus said that “my Father is the gardener,” He was referring to the Old Testament image of God as the grapevine and the people as the vineyard. God the Father is portrayed as the One who is doing the planting, nurturing, and caring for the vineyard. It is also true in the New Testament that God the Father takes care of the believers.  God prunes “the branches that do not bear fruit so they will produce even more” fruits. “For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me.” (15:4 NLT). The first important character in this Gospel is Jesus, the grapevine.

Jesus as the Grapevine:Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing,” (15:5). It is a description of the unity of a Teacher and the disciples. In this picture, Jesus explained that the closer relationship between Him and His disciples would result in a more fruitful ministry; more followers would be added into the community of believers. Abiding in Jesus or obeying in His commandments though He would leave them to do His mission and ministry, still they would produce much success. Jesus added that “apart from Me you can do nothing.” To separate from Jesus would be a failure for His disciples in doing their works. Jesus explained to them that they could not do any good without the help from Him and His Father.

Branches Must Bear Fruits: Thus Jesus said, “Anyone who does not remain in me is thrown away like a useless branch and withers. Such branches are gathered into a pile to be burned.” (15:6).  Those who do not do good for God and His kingdom will perish. They are useless as they have no direction in life. Because as separated from Jesus, they would be “burned” for not bearing good fruits in mission and ministry.  A disciple who does not abide or remain in Jesus will live in danger of sin and will end up in the "fire" of punishment. What Jesus taught about the fire of punishment is the place prepared for Satan and his minions; this is the fire of damnation.

Ask in Jesus’ Name: Jesus repeated His instruction but He added other justification which is “my words” to strengthen His promise. “But if you remain in Me and My words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted!” (15:7). Jesus repeated what He had taught His disciples in John 14: 23-24; to remain faithful to His words. By following Jesus meant obeying His words, and His words must remain with His disciples.

The relationship between Jesus and His disciples, which will bear much fruit or increase followers, is an honor to God the Father. “When you produce much fruit, you are my true disciples. This brings great glory to my Father.” (15:8). This is a reminder that God the Father is the caretaker not only of Jesus but of the disciples, “I am the true grapevine, and my Father is the gardener.

The nurturing love and grace of God for Jesus and His disciples would gain many followers and they shall grow and flourish to all God’s creations. God the Father created man and woman and all creations. This continuing act of the Father to nurture the believers will be replicated through the power of the Holy Spirit (who will be sent after Jesus ascended to heaven).

IFI as a Church: The IFI as a Church established by the disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Philippines should learn the lessons from John 15:1-8. There are three characters in this teaching: (1) Jesus (the grapevine), (2) disciples (the branches), and (3) God the Father (the gardener). The activities involved include:  the disciples to remain connected to Jesus and God to purify the faith of Jesus’ disciples.

We as Disciples of Christ: we shall strive to remain in Jesus’ teaching while we need the help and grace of God the Father. If, we are united in this theme, the IFI will be strengthened and will bear much fruit. To understand and live-out this theme, we have to think of ourselves (as suggested by our colleague priest): who we are and what is our relationship to God? If, we really believe that we are Jesus’ disciples, then we have to follow His teachings. In following Jesus’ teachings, we have to expand our efforts of serving God and people.

Expanding our efforts of serving starts in worshipping God by joining in the Holy Eucharist celebrated by the IFI. The Holy Eucharist is the central act of the Church; other nurturing activities should follow. We cannot accept that we are united when in fact only very few people attend the church worship. In evangelizing members, we have to invite them to participate in our Church’s activities.

Education for Our Members: Our efforts to reach a certain level of unity in serving the people of God depend on our eagerness to educate our members, both clergy and laity. Education should be an essential program of the Church.  To organize and mobilize our members, we must rely on the capability and responsibility of the clergy in doing education work which should be a viable and effective program. The chairperson of the education committee in the diocese suggested that the diocese should implement a family-education approach. Every member of the IFI family shall be informed on his/her responsibility as a Christian, as Christ’s disciple, and as an Aglipayano/Aglipayana.

Clergy Unity a Must: As of now, we, the clergy of this diocese must undergo an orientation program to reach a level of unity that is very important as the nurturing guidance of God, which will in turn be replicated in the unity of our members.  As the branches in the vineyard of the Lord (IFI), we can only be united if we hang close to the Lord Jesus by obeying His commandments of loving God as God has loved us, and becoming fruitful in spreading His Gospel message through the mission of the Church.

Today’s Gospel reminds us to continue to strive to be good disciples of the Lord who should remain with Christ forever. In this regard, we have to realize in a spirit of harmony the pursuits of the IFI mission and ministry. May God continue to bless us in all our endeavors for the glory of His Name. Amen.


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